CRAFT Cheyenne Regional Air Focus Team
Oct 06, 2021
Tim Barth, Director Cheyenne Regional Airport
CRAFT Cheyenne Regional Air Focus Team

The Cheyenne Reional Air Focus Team says, "It's Time to Decide the Jet Service to Cheyenne. Your Vote is Your Voice. Use It."

Cheyenne Regional Airport Director Tim Barth and CRAFT members Lori Schoene and Wendy Volk will be discussing the upcoming 1% Specific Purpose Sales and Use Tax ("6TH Penny Election") and the airports specific Propostion #14 which would give $2,250,000 to the city of Cheyenne and the interest earned thereon for Cheyenne Regional Airport for a Minimum Revenue Guarantee.  CRAFT ask you to please vote yes on Proposition #14 on Tuesday, November 2nd. Note: Absentee and early voting is Sept 17th through Nov 1st.

