Rotary Club of Cheyenne
About Our Club

On November 1, 1918, Cheyenne Rotary was officially accepted as a member of Rotary International. The President of the Greeley Rotary Club, our sponsor, was on hand to formalize the occasion. The Cheyenne Club's thrifty-four charter members originally banded together to form a Lion's Club. Some disagreement occurred with the Lion's National Organization, and these thirty-four members changed their minds and applied for a Rotary charter.
During the early years of the Club, there was scarcely any major civic project that did not have the active support of the Club as a unit or was not "headed" by a Rotarian. Rotarians played an active role in developing a water system for the city. They helped in the development of the Capital Theater and assisted in the development of the Boy Scout Lodge.
The Cheyenne Rotary Club was made up of leaders of the community who were as active on community projects as it was possible to be, but in the early years the members were satisfied to let the accomplishments of their individual members bring recognition to the Club. In more recent years, as we have grown to the present rather large membership (205 members), we have become more active in the fashion prescribed by Rotary International. In short, Cheyenne Rotary is today a very active organization with Club activities, with Community activities and with programs for the good of our International organization.
There have been seven District Governors from the Cheyenne Rotary Club. We have had as members five U.S. Senators, seven Governors, four U.S. District Judges, six Wyoming Supreme Court Justices, one Tenth Circuit Judge as well as many other notables.
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