Dear Fellow Rotarians:
I am pleased to report on the activities of Club Service/Meetings Committees for the fiscal year 2014/2015. We had another successful year of meetings and presentations and of course, these meetings couldn’t happen without the successful efforts of several committees. My thanks goes out to Tucker Stover, our inspiration chair, was responsible for scheduling and coordinating members to give an inspirational message or short quote and the A/V committee, Brian Heithoff, Traci L. Lacock, Janae Ruppert and Jim Walter, who helped set up and troubleshoot all the A/V needs for our President and presenters.  A huge thank you also goes out to Sylvia Hackl, lifetime chair, her able substitutes, Julie Malm and Mick Finnegan, and accompanist, Sarah Boyd, who inspired and entertained fellow Rotarians and guests throughout the year with their musical talents.
Khale Lenhart did a great job with finding weekly programs that were interesting and educational.  An interesting theme relating to water evolved this year. Presentations on water included Harry LaBonde, Joe Schone providing an update on the Kenya water project, Pat Tyrrell presenting on Laramie County Hydrology, and Chuck Larsen talking about the Water for Haiti Project.  We also had an opportunity to learn first-hand about the Ebola epidemic in Africa from Kelly Hamilton who had just returned from Liberia.  Thank you, Khale, for your commitment and dedication to this committee.  Job well done!
Donna Beaman put on a “lovely” Valentine’s Day Luncheon. Over 100 Rotarians and guests enjoyed a delicious lunch and were entertained by the Cheyenne Capital Quartet Plus One who sang love songs, put on skits, and shared stories.
Jeanie Martinez served again as the Banner committee chair and continued her efforts to finish the reconstruction of all banners. She has also taken inventory and pictures of all banners. Dave Foreman quietly continued his work in compiling the history of the Rotary Club of Cheyenne.  Thank you Jeanie and Dave!
Last, but not least, I would like to thank Scott Meier and the Board of Directors for their time, commitment and efforts in updating the Rotary Club of  Cheyenne Bylaws. This was no easy task as it spanned over two Rotary years, but the end result was a complete and up-to-date document which was approved by the membership this year.
It has truly been an honor serving on the board of directors for the last three years and working with this fine group of individuals. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication!
Sabrina Lane                                                                                                                         