Associated Legal Group, LLC
Bruce Asay was our Consider a Rotarian this week and he presented us with information on his law firm ALG Law.
 Associated Legal Group, LLC (ALG Law) is located at 1812 Pebrican Ave., Cheyenne, WY. It moved to the location recently and it is a beautiful home that was built in 1910 and has been remodeled. Members are welcome to visit.
                ALG Law is engaged in the general practice of law with members Bruce Asay, Dave Ditto and Greg Asay. Recently, Mr. Steve Kline, a Rotary member, has moved to the location as he transitions his practice. The firm specializes in public utility law, rights of way, business issues and employment law.  Lately landlord-tenant matters have been of great concern because of the many Covid -19 related restrictions. Landlords have had difficulty receiving payment and negotiating the various alternatives available to them-given the restrictions on evictions. At the same time, many members of the public are looking for assistance to address financial issues and their private affairs. 
                ALG Law believes that it is very important to assist members of the public with their private, business and financial matters. Particularly, given these difficult times, the public needs to be able to receive appropriate reasonable advice to give them the peace of mind that they need. Mr. Asay believes that this policy is captured in the old Gaelic expression: "What ere thou art, act well thy part.” This exemplifies the Rotary motto " service before self."